Tray Deaerators for Boiler Systems

Why Use a Tray Deaerator?

Vapor Power’s pressurized spray deaerators will reduce the oxygen level to the .005 cc/liter or less and carbon dioxide to zero. A deaerator consists of a pressure vessel in which water and steam are mixed with controlled velocities and the rapid removal of gases results when the liquid is sprayed in thin films and intensely scrubbed by the incoming steam. This raises the water temperature, thereby liberating the dissolved, non-condensable gases; and the water is then considered free from corrosive gases.

Their removal by the deaerator protects the boiler, feed pumps, and the entire feedwater system from the damaging effects of corrosion. A further benefit is simultaneous preheating of the boiler feedwater which reduces the thermal shock on downstream piping and the boiler. Tray deaerators can provide an added performance as well as help maximize the capital investment of the boiler system resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI) for the owner.

Theory of Operation Section -- Tray Deaerator

The Vapor Power Tray Deaerator product line also known as a cascade type; features a vertical section that is domed, and is usually mounted on top of a horizontal water storage tank. Note: For Tray Type deaerator, a surge tank is required

Application and Capabilities Section:

With over 100 years of experience in the industry and thousands of operating units, Vapor Power stands ready to assist with any specific application. Please consult with your Vapor Power Engineer for your project.


    Capacities from 5,000 PPH to 1,000,000 PPH
    10 minutes of storage capacity minimum
    Turndown 20-1
    100% Makeup/0% Condensate
    Higher percentage of condensate return
    Higher capacities available compared to spray

Review Design Criteria and other site considerations with a Vapor Power Sales Engineer. Safety, Accessibility, Space and Energy requirements all factor into the proper selection of a Vapor Power Deaeratoring System. Also, make sure to ask about the high grade steel we use for our platforms. This ensures long term durability, and ease of relocation if required.

Additional Options Available

Optional trim, controls, skid packaging available include:

    Chemical Feed Pumps
    Variable Speed Drives
    Water Softener
    Blow Down Tanks
    Blow Down Separators
    Modulating make up control valve with Differential Pressure transmitter